
500 ml Bulgur

100 ml Vermicelli Pasta

1 tbsp tomato paste

100 gr chopped onion

750 ml boiling  Chicken Stock

50 gr olive Oil

1 bay leave

Salt, as needed

Ground Black pepper, as needed

Method: Heat the olive oil in a sauce pot over medium heat and the vermicelli pasta, cook for about 2 minutes or until the pasta becomes brown. Add the onion and cook for another minute, add the tomato paste and stir continuously until the paste dissolves. Add the boiling chicken stock, the bay leave and the bulgur. Add a pinch of salt and a little ground pepper. Increase the heat and stir continuously until the bulgur boils. When it boils, continue cooking for a minute and turn of the heat, taste and add salt and/or pepper if needed. cover with a clean cloth and let the bulgur rest for 10 minutes. Enjoy!
