Sous Vide Cooking
Many people ask me about the pros and cons of sous vide cooking, what are the actual privileges of using this new cooking technique and how it actually helps a professional or a home cook in order to cook the perfect meals.
Firstly, one has to go through the fundamentals of sous vide cooking in order to understand the science behind it and the way it works, so, let’s start from the bottom of it.
Sous vide cooking is a method in which the chef puts the food in a sealed vacuum bag, and then fully submerges it in a temperature controlled water bath, using this kind of a machine:
Now , using this way we are cooking the food at low temperatures, for specific amounts of time in order to get a consistent, perfectly cooked meal (it can be any kind of protein), without having the fear of overcooking it (it can be overcooked, but i you control the times and temperatures, everything will be fine) , burning it, or losing it’s liquids. Having that told, we already know one pron: it’s consistent, and consistency is what most of us chefs are looking for. Other than that, using the sous vide technique we achieve tenderness and flavor of our low price meat and precooked food that can stay in the fridge for a week (sometimes more) without getting spoiled, With that said, we can already understand what sous vide can be in our home or professional kitchen : A life saver. We say a life saver because if you want a perfectly cook meat, you only need to marinate it, put it under vacuum, and let the machine do all the magic while you are enjoying a coffee in your back yard with your friends and family.
Stay tuned, a lot of sous vide recipes and reviews are coming later this month, as well as tips and tricks around it.