
4 kg beef bones

2 carrots

3 celery stalks

2 medium sized onions

1 bay leaf

2 thyme sprigs

1 tbs tomato paste

½ litre red wine

10 gr black pepper corns



Roast the bones in the oven, on a medium-high heat until they get a dark brown color. Cut the vegetables in big chunks. Heat a pan , add some of the bone grease and add the carrot, celery , onion and thyme. Cook until the veg get a brown color, add the tomato paste and deglace with the red wine. In a big sauce pot, add the cooked bones , vegetables, bay leaf and pepper corns. pour water in the pot untilpexels-photo-675951.jpeg everything is covered, cook on low heat while adding water occasionally for approximately 8-16 hours. After this procedure, strain the stock using a colander and refrigerate.

Tip about this recipe: Reduce the stock in a sauce pot to create demi glace.